A blogsite not for me to bloviate; but for me to share my origami videos with the origami community. I am affiliated with the Westcoast Origami Guild, Pacific Ocean Paperfolders, Origami Paperfolders of San Diego, Origami USA, and the Origami Interest Group (Origami-L/O-List).
Sunday, December 24, 2006
WCOG Christmas Meeting (December 9, 2006)
Yami, Joe, and myself had the opportunity to work a "gig". The pay would have been good; but the only problem was, it conflicted with the WCOG, last meeting of the year gathering. As Yami put it: "Screw the job offer. The origami meeting without you is no good. You should film the last meeting of the year." So, Yami knows best.
The December meeting saw the return of Phu Tran. He sounds busy, but I hope he doesn't stay away for too long from the Guild. Since Ben Muller and Jared Needle no longer come, it's nice to have some artists who are into complex origami add their talents to the group.