Saturday, December 20, 2008

Another video on Folding the Fins on Won Park's $ koi fish

Many folders still complain about steps 37-39 on Marcio Noguchi's diagrams of Won Park's koi. I've started folding some more as Christmas gifts and thought I'd film myself doing part of the fins.

Sorry if it's not great quality, but it was a challenge keeping the model in focus since I had the camera around my neck; I'm surprised nothing came out blurry. I forgot to turn the tv off in the background. So I replaced the natural sound with music. If that annoys you, just turn the volume off. I guarantee the sci-fi channel program in the background was so stupid, you'd thank me for replacing the sound.
Step photos can still be found here.
Also, I've been experimenting with applying methyl cellulose to the dollar koi model. I find it a bit challenging to keep the model from "expanding" when moistened too much with it, after it's already been shaped. I've had more enjoyable success at applying it when after the scales have been pleated, and the model is still flat. I then apply a dab here and there as I continue folding and shaping.

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