Saturday, February 08, 2014

WCOG Meeting for February

Another light turnout at WCOG.

Bennett Arnstein, Helen Sperber, Jim Cowling, John Andrisan, and yours truly were the stalwarts.

A woman, Susan, dropped in, having looked us up.  She shared a moving story about her deceased high school son and how he had folded a heart for a young girl.  She came in hopes of learning a simple heart that she could teach to school kids, honoring her son.  John taught her one while Jim multitasked folding a heart box which I was teaching; and at the same time drew diagrams for Susan while John taught her the heart model.

Jim Cowling

 Akiko Yamanashi's Heart Box was a great model from several years ago (came out in an issue of NOA- I'm too lazy to dig it up); but neither Jim nor Helen remember ever having folded it before.

Helen with her Heart Box

 We had another newcomer drop in, a young boy named Daniel, along with his father and sister.  He'd been folding for about 2 years on his own.  Jim taught him a killer whale and John taught the LaFosse F-14 Tomcat.  The dad, Javier, sat with Bennett who taught him some models.

Shaping the head on the Montroll horse:

Photos here.

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