Wednesday, October 17, 2007

How to Make a Snappy Coke Bottle Container

This model has gained traction, thanks to Tricia Tait's introduction of it at OUSA 2007. I received one from her, with an origami "hacky sack" in it.

Based on some inquiry and interest on the Origami-L, I decided I'd make a tutorial video.

It really is a great little container. I love the snapping sound it makes when you open and close it.

Leyles Torres had made clear and concise diagrams as well, back in July. Consider this video as supplemental.

Here is Tricia Tait's explanation to the O-List on how she discovered the container:
I learned the Coke bottle container while attending an origami related event this past March in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil (celebration of the DoBras 3 year anniversary) I saw many members with colorful origami models in these clear, sturdy, and interesting looking containers. My friend from Brazil, Jaja Gryzbowski, commented that the group has been doing this for a number of years as an effort to recycle and protect models. They even had some special Coke containers in gold and also fuscia! I find the 1 and a halfliter bottles are especially nice for larger pieces.

The funny thing is that my 16 year old son, who drinks Pepsi, had taken to drinking Coke- just so that I'd have enough bottles to bring to teach at our convention this past June. (There go all my efforts to encourage him to drink healthy beverages, including water :-0) I'm not even sure that going out of the way to buy a beverage just to get the container is a good example of recyling! The bottles make great containers, though. I store a variety of items in these including vitamins for traveling.


p.s. The 16.9 oz. bottle makes a bit of a deeper container than the 20 oz.
one because of where the curve is. Also beware- the 2 liter ones don't work at all since there isn't a curve at all. If you find the 1 1/2 liter size-
go for it!

Some of the 20 ounce coke containers have now changed (hopefully it's not permanent...I've seen one store receive the old bottles again....Cherry Coke, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, and Vanilla Coke still use the old bottles). Faye Goldman offers suggestions and verbal directions:

For all of you who recently learned how to make those neat holders out of the Coke bottles and were disappointed to see that the new coke bottles don't have the same 5 grooves in their sides, take heart! The old Sprite bottles still work. I have tried to estimating 6ths, on the new Coke bottles to see if that works. The 'waist' is higher, so it will mean a bigger holder. The six sides are narrower than the 5 sides, but it is acceptable. You must start off cutting the bottle in the middle of the label, not near the bottom.

For those who are totally lost here are the directions (for the Sprite/ Old Coke) to make a neat holder and recycle/reuse some plastic:

Find a Coke/Sprite bottle with the 'waist'. (the coke shape has a narrowing of the bottle.)
Cut through the label about 1/4 inch from the bottom of the label. Through away the top.
Make 5 cuts parallel with the sides of the bottle, using every other indent of the bottle. The Sprite bottles have dots, the old Coke bottles have valleys. DO NOT GO PAST THE NARROWEST PART OF THE WAIST. You can always cut down more. You can't 'uncut', Starting at the middle of each separation (it is also marked on the old bottles) make curved cuts forming a petal. When done correctly, these petals will lay over over the bottom of the bottle, forming a nice holder for a small oriami gift.
If Coca-Cola is seeing a sudden spike in their sales this year, perhaps it could be traced back to this fad amongst origamists....?


  1. Thanks so much!!! This makes it very clear!-from the o-list

  2. Tricia just informed me of the following:

    Jaja taught me to cut the curve all the way to the verticle cut- that makes for easier closing and the flaps don't get stuck on each other.

    So, I'm updating the video. If you don't see the video up, check back within the hour.

  3. Very clear video. Thank you for taking the time to make it.
    I also loved that beautiful little fish you placed inside!

  4. You're welcome, leyla! The diagrams you made are really well-illustrated. So thanks for that.

  5. I need to update the video a 3rd time, by the way. I misunderstood Jaja's suggestion, which makes sense to me now.

    Also, I noticed Diet Coke containers are appearing in the new form; but the old classic coke is being sold back to the normal bottles.

  6. Great job on your snappy video and instructions, Michael! Also, kudos to Leyla on her diagrams.
    Just want to add that the curve cut at the top tapers very gradually. As you suggested- cut a little at first- it can always be adjusted later.
    Would be great if there is a decrease in sales after introducing the new textured bottle- and the CC Co. goes back to the classic, smooth, 10 groved bottle. One can only hope!

  7. Thanks origamigalpal.

    It'd be funny if they picked up on a fluctation on sales, based upon their bottle changeover.
