This was kind of a spur of the moment thing. Half of the footage is shot at WCOG; as I was teaching it to Jimmy Taggart, Pam Miike expressed interest in it. I had her film part of the steps to folding the lid. I then went back and had Yuki Kelly film the beginning portion of the lid (the lighting is rather dark). The footage I filmed on my back porch on my own turned out surprisingly well, considering I just rested the camera in front of my chest, and tried to keep my hands in view, but not so close as to be out of focus. Even though my camera is a 2.0 megapixel, the resolution looks rather clean, crisp, and clear. I could probably re-shoot the lid like this...but that would entail more work! Hopefully, this is sufficient.
I realize that I didn't do much in the way of explaining the diagonal crease lines that forms the top of the boxlid, and the bottom. Hopefully, people are bright enough from viewing what I'm doing, that a little brainwork and close observation will carry you through the day. I will have you note, though, that on the lid, where the 1st 7th is unequal to the other 6 segments, when you set in the diagonal crease, it does not touch from opposing corner to corner. Use the last segment to lay over it as a template (with its diagonal creaseline already in place), and then set the crease line that way. If you squint your eyes, you can see me doing this in the video. Good luck, and let me know if you are able to successfully do this, and what level you'd rate yourself. It'd be great if even a novice could follow these directions.
Fold neatly....and for the most part, set your creases in sharp. This will especially help you when you have to hold the two ends together and spiral the top/bottom to lay flat. You might use a clothespin to hold the two ends together while you do this.
Hi Michael,
Nice instruction of the hexagonal box. It was clear and simple to follow.
Great instruction, I liked the video the still shots with instruction/also movement of the paper, (seeing your hands) was helpful. Yea, I can do it! I am an intermediate folder, bill folds are my favorite. Thanks, Margaret
Thanks for the feedback.
Phu, you are missed.
Just a note to anyone else who actually bothers to click on to the comments section:
I'm finding that when making the bottom half, rather than the landmark being at the top of "ONE" when mountain folding the dollar, a millimeter down from the top of "ONE" seems to be consistent in giving the model a flat bottom.
Thanks for the extensive comment. I know it could be better; it was kind of a spur of the moment idea, and I didn't go the extra mile on it. Just hoping that people are able to figure it out.
You thinke twice about folding money if it has some financial worth.
Here in the States, I think moneyfolding is rather popular; and part of the charm.
Sorry about using landmarks on the U.S. dollars as guideposts for proportioning. But this was specifically designed for the American dollar. Tomoko Fuse has many hexagonal boxes that you could follow, instead of this one.
It wasn't working for me either; so I got the embed code from Livedigital, and redid it. I think the code had changed. I don't know why this is, but it's happened before on other Livedigital videos. Thanks for letting me know. It seems to be fine now, Cindy.
Thanks for posting this! I just tried it today and I was able to figure out that part without the instructions, even without having read what you wrote first (shouldn't have done that though, I know).
It's a really pretty and cool box, and I have been showing it to everyone, haha. Thank you again!
I'm so pleased that you were able to do it!
Technology today certainly allows us to share in fun ways we could never have done even 10 years ago.
Excellent model and video! Thanks so much for sharing! Where can I learn how to fold Chris Palmer's dollar pentagram? I searched the usual places (origamidatabase.com, google, etc) with no luck.
Thank you for your help.
I believe it is in an OUSA Convention book, but I don't remember which one. Perhaps running a search in the origami database?
I'd have to reverse-engineer one, to refresh my memory on it.
i can't figure out the lid!!!!
the part where we're supposed to use our own ingenuity without step by step instructions :(
the hands that are folding are kindof in the way, and the other clip is too dark to see. i got a good portion thru the lid but got stuck after i made the triangle folds.
i can't figure out the lid!!!!
the part where we're supposed to use our own ingenuity without step by step instructions :(
Gabe, I am sorry you are having trouble with it. When I first made the video, it was a rough attempt, with the thought in mind that I'd cater to experienced folders who needed only minimal guidance, and would be able to figure out most of it without over-coaching. Time willing, I might redo the video.
i got a good portion thru the lid but got stuck after i made the triangle folds.
I'm not sure what the "triangle folds" are. Forgive me if it's in the video. Haven't watched it for years, and I'm too busy right now to go through it. Maybe if you can better describe your dilemma, I could talk you through it or something?
ohkay, it would be MUCH appreciated if you redid the video, i know at least me and my friends would love it. the actual box is amazing, i just can't get there.
the triangle folds are the part where you fold the lid of the box into the hexagonal design, overlapping and stuff.
don't bother talking me through it i guess, i'll just wait till you do the video. if you talked me through it i would just get more confused.
sorry to bother you!!!
Hi,well i thought the video was rather confusing at first it is simple but then I becomes complicated I think that instead of a video you could make a diagram of some kind showing the dollar and under each there should be a description of what your doing. I don't mean to be a pain and I know that you don't have much time so you don't have to make a diagram I just think it might be a litter easier.
Could you make a video of your own? Perhaps if I see where you are "not getting it", it will help me understand how to better coach you.
Since I don't have the time right now to redo an entire video, perhaps we can just interact and I can help on specific points?
Thanks for weighing in. I'm not experienced enough at diagramming; although I could probably do step-folds.
We'll see.
Just keep badgering me, periodically, as a reminder that this is on my "to do" list.
Well, this might not help you with closing the top of the lid, but here are diagrams that might be helpful for the overall model.
I'm so frustrated! I just can't "get" it. And I'd LOVE to make this for my granddaughters. (They're saving up for a project and I want to make the money gifts more interesting.)
I'd love to be able to make the box and lid...actually came closer with the lid than the bottom. AND, if I'm EVER able to get the box made....WHERE do I get instructions for the neat bill folds to put money inside. I've Googled and Googled and can't find directions anywhere.
Is this box in a book anywhere? Avaiable diagrams? Thought perhaps attempting from diagram AND following this video might clear up where I'm missing something critical.
Thanks for your help.
gg designs,
Sorry about the frustrations; did you join Won Park's moneyfolders unite yahoo group? In the files section, I believe a member made photographed step-folds; that might help you out.
As I mentioned earlier in this comment thread, Chris Palmer's design was probably in an OUSA Convention book (I learned it directly from him). You might try contacting Chris Palmer.
Good luck!
Thanks so much. I'll follow up the information. LOVE this site and am absolutely new to money folding but will be using it often from now on, I imagine.
Dear Michael,
I couldn't find your email address in this blog so I apologize using this method
I'm wondering if you could do me a favour, could you delete the email accounts from my original post in this comment string dated Sunday, April 29, 2007 12:13:00 AM? I wasn't aware @ the time that posting the address would make me vunerable for reverse email searches and i'd like to protect my own privacy. Please let me know if this is okay as I know it's a favor.
Thanks!! Cindy
In case anyone is curious about the original message, minus Cindy's address:
Hello, for some reason, your video doesn't play for me. Do you have it posted anywhere else? I'd really like to learn how to fold this, it's so unique!
Could you please email it to me if you don't. I hope it isn't a big file =(
This is Cindy - I thank you whole heartedly
New upload here.
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